This story sounded sketchy to me, but you decide: Atlanta police reported Monday over $1 million dollars in jewelry & electronics were stolen from the r&b singer's Yukon. Apparently, he filed a report that claimed he was parked across the street from a popular Atlanta shopping mall and was in a AT&T store, and over a million dollars in jewels, $50,000 in furs, & $20,000 in electronics were snatched from his truck. An eye witness is said to have seen a Chevy Impala pull up next to the truck and popped the lock.
First off, why do you have $1 million dollars worth of jewelry in your car and you stop to upgrade your phone? Secondly, why does Usher have to go to an AT&T store-he doesn't have the internet? Thirdly, evidently it had to happen during business hours-where's the parking lot or street cam video? C'mon Usher, keep it real, are you in debt-sound like you staged that!
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